The USMMA Alumni Association and Foundation invites all alumni, parents, families and friends to attend the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Commencement Ceremony. Graduation for the Class of 2013 will take place on Monday, June 17 at 1000 hours. If you cannot attend the ceremonies, the ceremony will be webcast live at this site on Maritime TV. UNITED STATES MERCHANT MARINE ACADEMY KINGS POINT WEEKEND 2013 SCHEDULE FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2013
0800 Colors Formation – Powell Oval (weather permitting) 1000 Awards Convocation - Ackerman Auditorium 1200 Awards Luncheon - Melville Hall. Guests $ 25.00 per person 1900-2300 Senior Cruise – Sponsored by the Class of 2013(see your midshipman for details) Dress for Friday is casual: e.g., slacks and sport shirts for men; dresses, skirts or slacks for women.
SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 0800 Colors Formation – Powell Oval (weather permitting) 0815-0930 Information and Hospitality Center – Land Hall- Sponsored by the USMMA Parents Association 1000 Change of Command Ceremony- Powell Oval-Wiley Hall (rain location: Ackerman Auditorium) 1130-1300 Barbecue* for Midshipmen, Parents & Guests at Eldridge Pool (Rain location: Delano Hall) Midshipmen free; Parents and Guests, Faculty & Staff – $ 15.00 per person – Advance ticket sales 1900-2100 Reception Melville Hall – Details to follow $30.00 per person – Advance reservation only ** 2100- 0100 Graduation Ball** - music by STAGES - Eldridge Pool Area (Rain Location: Delano Hall) All invited. Advance tickets required (Midshipmen free / all others $10.00 per person) Dress for Saturday daytime is casual. Dress for Parents and dates attending the Ball is formal (Dinner Dress White Jacket or equivalent for military personnel, black tie, tuxedoes, dinner jackets, or dark suits for men; cocktail dresses or gowns for women).
SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 0830-1000 Information and Hospitality Center – Land Hall. Sponsored by the USMMA Parents Association 0900 Religious Services: Catholic Mass (Mariners Chapel) and Protestant Services (St Andrew’s Chapel) 1100 Baccalaureate Service – Mariners Chapel. Speaker: Captain Gary W. Clore, Chaplain Corps, U.S. Navy 1100-1300 Brunch – Land Hall. $15.00 per person, Advance sales only (limited tickets at door $20.00 per person)* Suggested dress for Sunday is lightweight sport jackets for men; dresses, skirts, or pantsuits for women. Low-heel shoes are recommended for the entire weekend.
MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2013 0800 Colors Formation – Powell Oval (weather permitting) 0815-0930 Information and Hospitality Center – Land Hall – Sponsored by the USMMA Parents Association 0810 Graduation Photo – Class of 2013 – Tomb Field 1000 Commencement Exercises – Tomb Field rain or shine. Speaker: General William M. Fraser III, Commander, U.S. Transportation Command Suggested dress for Monday is lightweight sport jackets for men; dresses, skirts, or pantsuits for women. Uniform is Service Dress White or service equivalent for military personnel. NOTE: The Graduation Ceremonies will be held on Tomb Field, rain or shine. In the event of inclement weather, please wear appropriate weatherproof clothing. We discourage the use of umbrellas while seated in the stands, to avoid obstructing the view of other guests. Also note that the ceremony will be simulcast in Ackerman Auditorium, rain or shine, for guests wishing to watch the Ceremony indoors. *Meal tickets for Saturday Lunch BBQ and the Sunday Brunch must be purchased in advance from the Delano commissary. Tickets must be purchased by the Midshipman by June 1. Checks should be made out to “NANA Services”. **Reservations for Friday’s Awards Lunch, Saturday’s Reception on Melville Hall porch (appetizers and cash bar), and the June Ball Saturday night are confirmed by check and tickets issued. Separate checks for each event, please. Checks are made out to “Regimental Activities NAFI” and sent to Graduation Weekend Committee 300 Steamboat Road, USMMA, Kings Point NY 11024 For further information, contact the Social Director, Ms. Mary A. Cunningham or 2013 Class President Spencer Fletcher via email [email protected] [email protected]
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