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Response to New York Times Attack Journalism Article that Inaccurately Portrays the Maritime Industry

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During this 47th interview in the series, Clay, along with special guest Carleen Lyden-Kluss, Executive Director of the North American Marine Environment Protection Association(NAMEPA), criticize the New York Times for a recent article that misrepresents the maritime industry. Clay and Carleen make the case that the article, Stowaways and Crimes Aboard a Scofflaw Ship, by Ian Urbina , the first in a series entitled “The Outlaw Ocean” is an example of attack journalism that inaccurately portrays the safest industry transportation sector in the world. In addition, they maintain that erroneous media reports about the maritime industry need to be vigorously and credibly rebutted to eliminate knee-jerk reaction that could result in unnecessary new regulations for an industry that is already over-regulated. 
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The opinions expressed by Clay Maitland in the ‘Mondays with Maitland’ Video Series are the opinions of Clay Maitland and do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff and management of Maritime TV, or its parent network, TV Worldwide, Inc.

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