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Maritime TV's DigiMariner XIII Live Webcast

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Welcome to DigiMariner XIII and Opening Discussion
10:00 AM Welcome, DigiMariner XIII. Dave Gardy, KP ’80, CEO Maritime TV, TV Worldwide and Dan Turissini, KP ’81, Cybersecurity Specialist, Edu-Care <... 238 views | 4 months ago
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10:15 AM Opening Session: The Dali’s Allision with Baltimore’s Key Bridge.
10:15 AM Opening Session: The Dali’s Allision with Baltimore’s Key Bridge. Lessons Learned from the Allision, Bridge Collapse and Recovery Operation ... 182 views | 4 months ago
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10:45 AM Development and Implementation of a Checklist to Prevent a Dali-Type Disaster in any Operational Discipline Presenter: George Clark KP ’69
10:45 AM Development and Implementation of a Checklist to Prevent a Dali-Type Disaster in any Operational Discipline Presenter: George Clark KP ’69 190 views | 4 months ago
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11:15 AM Maritime Cyber Targets: Who is Targeting Us? Why are they Targeting Us?
11:15 AM Maritime Cyber Targets: Who is Targeting Us? Why are they Targeting Us? How do we Build Resilience to a Dali-Type Disaster that is Cyber-Rela... 166 views | 4 months ago
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11:45 AM The Dali Allision from a Marine Insurance Perspective
11:45 AM The Dali Allision from a Marine Insurance Perspective Presenter: Brian F. Murphy, CPCU, Senior VP, Berkley Offshore Underwriting Managers, K... 157 views | 4 months ago
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1:00 PM Nuclear Ship Propulsion Needs and Possibilities
1:00 PM Nuclear Ship Propulsion Needs and Possibilities Presenter: Don Beckman, President, Beckman and Associates, KP ‘69 148 views | 4 months ago
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1:25 PM Current Perspectives on Commercial Nuclear-Powered Ships - A Live Roundtable Discussion with Subject Matter Experts.
1:25 PM Current Perspectives on Commercial Nuclear-Powered Ships - A Live Roundtable Discussion with Subject Matter Experts. Moderator: Peter D. Wo... 186 views | 4 months ago
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2:25 PM Closing Remarks
2:25 PM Closing Remarks Presenter: Dave Gardy, KP ’80, CEO Maritime TV, TV Worldwide and Dan Turissini, KP ’81, Cybersecurity Specialist, Edu-Care 142 views | 4 months ago
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Maritime TV's DigiMariner XIII Live Webcast
1,036 views | 5 months ago

Maritime TV DigiMariner XIV - February 7, 2025 on MaritimeTV


A dedicated team of alumni, led by the USMMA Class Of ’69 and known as the "Group of 69”, has initiated an opportunity for all alumni and industry thought leaders to positively impact the Academy and the entire US Merchant Marine community by proactively developing maritime digital technology education for dissemination within the Kings Point curriculum in preparation for the 4th Industrial Revolution. This is a call-to-action for every Kings Point alumnus and maritime professional who plays a role in the evolving digitalization of shipping or is involved within an operating maritime organization which has digital competencies, to participate in this initiative. The group has enlisted and are working with the USMMA Academic Dean and faculty to implement this program. To launch this effort, the group is working with Maritime TV to produce live virtual DIGIMARINER ‘mini-conferences’.

The first DIGIMARINER I conference was dedicated to Maritime Transportation and took place on November 18, 2020

The DIGIMARINER II conference was dedicated to Marine Engineering and took place February 26, 2021

The DIGIMARINER III conference took place on April 20,2021

The DigiMariner IV Conference took place on September 24, 2021

The DigiMariner V Conference took place on January 13, 2022

The DigiMariner VI Earth Day Edition Conference took place on April 22, 2022

The DigiMariner VII Conference took place on Sept. 30, 2022

The DigiMariner VIII Conference took place on January 26, 2023

The DigiMariner IX Conference took place on June 9, 2023

The DigiMariner X Conference took place on October 20, 2023

The DigiMariner XI Conference took place on April 23, 2024

The DigiMariner XII Conference took place on May 17, 2024

The DigiMariner XIII Conference took place on September 27, 2024

The initial goal is to create an accessible video repository database of educational knowledge regarding the many facets of the digitalization of the shipping for USMMA midshipmen, and eventually all maritime educational institutions and industry professionals.

Please note that sponsorship and presenter positions are still available for the archive of all prior DigiMariner Conferences. Sponsors will be pre-recorded in a video interview for later archiving on the DigiMariner conference webcast site(s) and provided a copy of the video interview for their own unlimited use. For more information on becoming a sponsor or a presenter for the series, please contact us at [email protected] or call (703) 961-9250 Ext. 221


DIGIMARINER XIII AGENDA September 27, 2024 (All times Eastern)


10:00 AM Welcome, DigiMariner XIII. Dave Gardy, KP ’80, CEO Maritime TV, TV Worldwide and Dan Turissini, KP ’81, Cybersecurity Specialist, Edu-Care

10:05 AM Opening Discussion: DigiMariner XIII – Latest Cybersecurity Update for the Maritime Industry, including the CMMC impact on Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Contractors.
Presenter: Dan Turissini. KP ’81 Cybersecurity Specialist, EduCare of NOVA

Morning Session
: The Dali’s Allision with Baltimore’s Key Bridge- Lessons Learned

10:15 AM Opening Session: The Dali’s Allision with Baltimore’s Key Bridge.
Lessons Learned from the Allision, Bridge Collapse and Recovery Operation
Presenter: Dr. Salvatore Mercogliano, Chair, Department of History, Criminal Justice and Politics, Associate Professor of History, Campbell University, Host, “What’s Going On With Shipping?”

10:45 AM Development and Implementation of a Checklist to Prevent a Dali-Type Disaster in any Operational Discipline
Presenter: George Clark KP ’69

11:15 AM Maritime Cyber Targets: Who is Targeting Us? Why are they Targeting Us? How do we Build Resilience to a Dali-Type Disaster that is Cyber-Related?
Presenter: Judy Baltensperger KP ’94
Dashboard Portfolio Team
Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Program
Cybersecurity Division, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

11:45 AM The Dali Allision from a Marine Insurance Perspective
Presenter: Brian F. Murphy, CPCU, Senior VP, Berkley Offshore Underwriting Managers, KP ‘94

12:15 PM Break for Lunch (Sponsor Videos Led by AMO in addition to videos)

Afternoon Session- Nuclear Propulsion for Commercial Ships

1:00 PM Nuclear Ship Propulsion Needs and Possibilities

Presenter: Don Beckman, President, Beckman and Associates, KP ‘69

1:25 PM Current Perspectives on Commercial Nuclear-Powered Ships - A Live Roundtable Discussion with Subject Matter Experts.

Moderator: Peter D. Wolf, Esq., JD, LLM, Proctor-in-Admiralty; President, Nuclear Energy Solutions Inc.

Jonathan Stephens, PE; Manager, Core Design, BWXT Technologies, Inc.

Elina Teplinsky, Esq.; Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Charles “Bud” Darr; Group Executive Vice President, Maritime Policy and Government Affairs, Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC)

2:25 PM Closing Remarks
Presenter: Dave Gardy, KP ’80, CEO Maritime TV, TV Worldwide and Dan Turissini, KP ’81, Cybersecurity Specialist, Edu-Care

Webcast Event Contact Information
Dave Gardy - TV Inc. - [email protected] / (703) 961-9250

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