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DigiMariner V - Live Webcast Thursday 1/13/22

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10:30 AM - 4:00 PM Eastern
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DigiMariner V Event Archives

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DigiMariner V - Welcome Remarks
Dave Gardy, KP ’80, CEO Maritime TV, TV Worldwide and Dan Turissini KP ‘81 Cybersecurity Specialist, Certified Provisional Instructor, CMMC, for Educa... 1,451 views | 3 years ago
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DigiMariner V - Keynote Speech: Jim Lawrence
Presenter: Jim Lawrence Chairman, Marine Money, Founding Partner, MTI Network Presentation: There May Never Have Been a More Exciting Time to be in t... 1,444 views | 3 years ago
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DigiMariner V - Presenter: Adam Vokac
Presenter: Adam Vokac M.E.B.A. District and National President
Presentation: How the Supply Chain Crisis has Exacerbated the Skilled Mariner Sh...
1,482 views | 3 years ago
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DigiMariner V - Presenter: Fair Kim
Presenter: Fair Kim, President, AMC 1,048 views | 3 years ago
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DigiMariner V - Presenter: Peter Levesque
Presenter: Peter Levesque
Presentation: SIDE EFFECTS: Managing Supply Chain Risk in a Post Pandemic World
1,142 views | 3 years ago
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DigiMariner V - AMC Awareness Video
975 views | 3 years ago
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DigiMariner V - Presenter: Nick Zoretic KP ‘08
Presenter: Nick Zoretic KP ‘08, Director of Operations, Tote Maritime
Presentation: Decarbonization and LNG
1,073 views | 3 years ago
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DigiMariner V - Sponsor: Joe Gaudiano of Penfield Marine
979 views | 3 years ago
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DigiMariner V - Presenter: Gustavo Garza
Presenter: Gustavo Garza, Market Development Manager Americas, WABTEC
Presentation: Emissions EGR Technology
980 views | 3 years ago
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DigiMariner V - Interview: Dan Turissini & Brian Hajost
Brian Hajost, President and CEO of SteelCloud and Dan Turissini Cybersecurity Specialist with Educare, and MTS Maritime Cybersecurity and Infrastructu... 884 views | 3 years ago
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Past and Current DigiMariner Webcast Sponsors

Walter and Nancy Bunt In Honor of Richard Halluska, Class of ’69 Tireless Advocate and Supporter of Kings Point
The Group of 69



DigiMariner V
January 13, 2022 10:30 AM ET on Maritime TV


A dedicated team of alumni, led by the USMMA Class Of ’69 and known as the "Group of 69”, has initiated an opportunity for all alumni and industry thought leaders to positively impact the Academy and the entire US Merchant Marine community by proactively developing maritime digital technology education for dissemination within the Kings Point curriculum in preparation for the 4th Industrial Revolution. This is a call-to-action for every Kings Point alumnus and maritime professional who plays a role in the evolving digitalization of shipping or is involved within an operating maritime organization which has digital competencies, to participate in this initiative. The group has enlisted and are working with the USMMA Academic Dean and faculty to implement this program.

To launch this effort, the group is working with Maritime TV to produce live virtual DIGIMARINER ‘mini-conferences’, four of which have been produced.
The first DIGIMARINER conference was dedicated to Maritime Transportation and took place on November 18, 2020 .

The DIGIMARINER II conference was dedicated to Marine Engineering and took place February 26, 2021

The DIGIMARINER III conference took place on April 20,2021 and can be viewed here.

The most recent live virtual DigiMariner IV Conference took place on September 24, 2021 and can be viewed here.

The initial goal is to create an accessible video repository database of educational knowledge regarding the many facets of the digitalization of the shipping for USMMA midshipmen, and eventually all maritime educational institutions and industry professionals.

Please note that sponsorship and presenter positions are still available for the archive of all four prior DigiMariner Conferences.
Sponsors will be pre-recorded in a video interview for later archiving on the DigiMariner conference webcast site(s) and provided a copy of the video interview for their own unlimited use. For more information on becoming a sponsor or a presenter for the series, please contact us at [email protected] or call (703) 961-9250 Ext. 221


DigiMariner V AGENDA

10:30 AM Welcome, DigiMariner IV. Dave Gardy, KP ’80, CEO Maritime TV, TV Worldwide and Dan Turissini KP ‘81 Cybersecurity Specialist, Certified Provisional Instructor, CMMC, for Educare

Presenter: Jim Lawrence
Chairman, Marine Money, Founding Partner, MTI Network
There May Never Have Been a More Exciting Time to be in the Maritime Industry!

10:45 AM Presenter: Adam Vokac  M.E.B.A. District and National President
Presentation: How the Supply Chain Crisis has Exacerbated the Skilled Mariner Shortage

11:00 AM Peter Levesque
SIDE EFFECTS: Managing Supply Chain Risk in a Post Pandemic World 

11:30 AM Presenter: Nick Zoretic KP ‘08, Director of Operations, Tote Maritime
Decarbonization and LNG

12:00 PM Presenter: Gustavo Garza, Market Development Manager Americas, WABTEC
Emissions EGR Technology

12:30 – 1:00 PM Break for Lunch and Networking in Virtual Breakout Room with Presenters

1:00 PM- 2:00 PM Honorable J. Michael McConnell, VADM, USN, (Ret), Fmr. Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Under President George W. Bush
Critical Convergence 2022: Digital and Physical Security for Utilities and Infrastructure

2:15 PM Presenter: Anthony Armaly, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) RWFI Federal Coordinator

2:45 PM Presenter: Dr. Chuck Taylor, NETL, Retired
Chemistry of Decarbonizing Combustion and Propulsion Systems

3:15 PM Presenter: Dr. Nate Weiland, Engineer, NETL Systems Engineering & Analysis Group
Emerging Technology Solutions for (hydrogen) Decarbonizing the Industrial and Power Sectors

3:45 PM Closing Remarks: Dave Gardy, KP ’80, CEO Maritime TV, TV Worldwide and Dan Turissini KP ‘81 Cybersecurity Specialist, Certified Provisional Instructor, CMMC, for Educare


Webcast Event Contact Information
Dave Gardy - TV Inc. - [email protected] / (703) 961-9250

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