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SHIPPINGInsight 2023
The Decade of Collaboration

On-Demand Maritime TV Webcast Coverage
October 10-12, 2023


Day 1: 1745 - Closing Remarks

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Carleen Lyden Walker, Chief Evolution Officer, SHIPPINGInsight


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Day 1: 1400 - Welcome & Opening Remarks
Carleen Lyden Walker, Chief Evolution Officer, SHIPPINGInsight 411 views | 2 years ago
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Day 1: 1420 - Opening Keynote: ABS
Chris Wiernicki, Chairman and CEO, American Bureau of Shipping 426 views | 2 years ago
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Day 1: 1435 - Collaborating on Decarbonization- Challenges and Tools- Hosted by ABS
Moderator: Roy Bleiberg, Vice President, NA Business Development, ABS
David Cummins, President and CEO, Blue Sky Maritime Coalition
Tom Cr...
397 views | 2 years ago
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Day 1: 1515 - Tools- Hosted by Thordon Bearings
Moderator: José Luis Duarte, Marine Business Development Manager, North America, Thordon Bearings
Industry Validator- Don Carroll, Global Operat...
387 views | 2 years ago
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Day 1: 1630 - Challenging the Pathway to Change- Hosted by Scorpio Group
Moderator: Ole Christian Schroeder, Director of Environmental Compliance, Scorpio Group
Jeff Lantz, Director, Commercial Regulations and Standar...
382 views | 2 years ago
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Day 1: 1745 - Closing Remarks
Carleen Lyden Walker, Chief Evolution Officer, SHIPPINGInsight 421 views | 2 years ago
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Day 2: 0730 - WISTA Breakfast- Recruiting and Retaining Women in Maritime
Moderator: Christina Liviakis, President, WISTA USA
Lourdes Evans, Senior Manager, Digital Services, Kongsberg Digital Simulation Inc.
429 views | 2 years ago
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Day 2: 0900 - Opening Remarks
Carleen Lyden Walker, Chief Evolution Officer, SHIPPINGInsight 428 views | 2 years ago
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Day 2: 0915 - Collaborating on Digitalization- Hosted by OrbitMI
Moderator: David Levy, Chief Marketing Officer, OrbitMI
Captain Joe Gross, D’Amico
Jonathan Arneault, CEO and Co-Founder, FuelTrust
442 views | 2 years ago
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Day 2: 1015 - Tools: Hosted by StormGeo
Moderator: John Eaton, GM Routing and Services, StormGeo
Industry Validator- Ramesh Bhat, Principal, Advanced Strategic Solutions LLC
425 views | 2 years ago
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SHIPPINGInsight 2023

The Decade of Collaboration

On-Demand Maritime TV Webcast Coverage
October 10-12, 2023

The premier technology forum and networking event for maritime industry professionals.

The maritime world is entering the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, with disruptors like automation and digitalization joining forces with impending regulations to create profound change in our industry. This unprecedented convergence results in challenges—and opportunity.

Join industry colleagues at SHIPPINGInsight 2023 to gain clarity on the pathway ahead. Meet with solution providers who will help not only maximize the potential of your business, but help you get in front of the demands being placed on industry, and society, today and in the years to come.

Established in 2012, SHIPPINGInsight is a multi-pronged industry engagement platform focusing on fleet optimization and innovation to support the maritime industry as it experiences accelerated change. In addition to a weekly news/opinion outlet, the signature feature of SHIPPINGInsight is its annual fleet optimization and innovation conference held in October in North America. The event provides a forum for shipowners and solution providers to exchange ideas and discuss challenges in facing the transformation of the industry.

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Webcast Event Contact Information
Dave Gardy - TV Inc. - [email protected] / (703) 961-9250

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