2022 Safety at Sea Seminar and AMVER & Benkert AwardsMay 19th, 2022 - Washington D.C.
Join us as we explore the role of shipping in this critical time!
Not since the end of World War II has the role of shipping in geopolitics been so critical. With it comes human, environmental, and corporate risks. Join industry colleagues to participate in the discussion of “Safety at Sea” in these turbulent times. We will also be presenting the USCG’s prestigious Benkert Awards for environmental excellence and AMVER’s Awards recognizing industry participation for voluntary rescue at sea.
NAMEPA’s Safety at Sea event will explore the role of shipping during periods of global disturbance with an eye on impacts to mariners, ships and global trade. We will also look at emerging and future threats to “normal” operations. The United States Coast Guard will also be presenting its Benkert and AMVER Awards for industry excellence and commitment to Safety at Sea.
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