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Eastern Shipbuilding Group, Inc. recently christened and launched the M/V BRAVANTE IX for Boldini S.A.,BRAVANTE GROUP of Brazil.

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Eastern Shipbuilding Group, Inc. recently christened and launched the M/V BRAVANTE IX for Boldini S.A.,BRAVANTE GROUP of Brazil. This is the fifth and final vessel launched in the Bravante Platform Supply Vessel Series. The event was held on August 28, 2014 at Eastern’s Nelson Street Facility in Panama City, Fla. The five vessel contract was accomplished in part, by a $241 million Department of Transportation Title XI loan guarantee from U.S. Maritime Administration, MARAD. In special attendance for the BRAVANTE IX launch ceremony was Paul “Chip” Jaenichen, the Maritime Administrator. He said a few words about the five vessel contract history, the Title XI financing and MARAD’s Small Shipyard Grant program.

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Clay Maitland, Chairman



Webcast Event Contact Information
Dave Gardy - TV Inc. - [email protected] / (703) 961-9250