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The Worlds First Maritime TV Channel (EST.1999)      
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Interview with 90-Year old Merchant Mariners 'Storming the Hill' in DC for WWII Merchant Marine Vets Benefits Bill

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On Maritime Day, three 90 year-old World War II Merchant Mariners and supporters participated in their annual ‘Storm the Hill’ effort to march on Capitol Hill into the offices of Congress to appeal for passage of H.R. 154 to award WWII Merchant Mariners a well-earned $25,000 each in combat veteran benefits for their service, benefits they’ve been denied all these years. Their stories from their experience in the war are amazing and they highlight the fact that 1 in 26 mariners serving aboard merchant ships in World WW II died in the line of duty, suffering a greater percentage of war-related deaths than all other U.S. services.

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Dave Gardy - TV Inc. - [email protected] / (703) 961-9250