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e-Navigation Underway 2015 - SESSION I: SETTING THE STAGE

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The first session of the conference serves as the foundation for subsequent ones, providing information about the existing risk level, information gleaned from accident investigations and provides general information about e-navigation plans and benefits. Moderator - Captain E. J. Fink, USCG (Ret), Dean of Maritime Education & Training, Chair of Professional Education & Training Department, SUNY Maritime College Accident Statistics, the trends and what investigations tell us - Ms. Tracy Murrell, Director, Office of Marine Safety, U.S. National Transportation Safety Board e-Navigation and Transportation Efficiencies - Mr. Anders Brödje, Swedish Maritime Authority e-Navigation and U.S. Inland Waters - Mr. Brian Tetreault, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Invited) Moderator led discussion

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Webcast Event Contact Information
Dave Gardy - TV Inc. - [email protected] / (703) 961-9250