Oceans In Action Join us for Oceans In Action 2022, an in-person event highlighting how marine science and technology research efforts are integrated into operational missions, results, and decision-making tools. Featuring an event center where we can socially distance if necessary, this year’s event will also highlight results of the Advanced Naval Technology Exercise (ANTX) vignettes that took place in the Gulf of Mexico in 2020, as well as details on NOAA’s increased support to that program. New to our program – the Port Security Summit hosted by the Port of Gulfport through the University of Southern Mississippi’s Mississippi Defense Initiative (MDI), a grant from the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation. WHEN: March 7-10, 2022 WHERE: Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center, Biloxi, MS. Ballroom A. What’s Oceans in Action All About? It’s the premier Gulf Coast regional marine technology event focusing on emerging technologies – bringing together federal, state, local, and private organizations for presentations, business-to-business/business-to-government meetings, exhibits of the latest technology, and pier-side demonstrations in association with the Advanced Naval Technology Exercise Gulf Coast and Port of Gulfport. This year, details on the programs associated with the newly awarded Gulf Coast Tech Bridge will be highlighted. The newly added Port Security Summit, hosted by the Port of Gulfport, Mississippi, will examine key security and logistic measures needed to transport cargo as one of 17 strategic seaports in the nation, highlighting emerging technology within the maritime and port security industry. With increased traffic and cargo moving through ports each day, ports are particularly vulnerable to security threats, creating the need for a wide range of security tools from cybersecurity to physical security to defend and reduce the impact of potential threats to port operations. Event Highlights - New this year: Port Security Summit and introducing the new Gulf Coast Tech Bridge
- Great pier-side demonstrations and ANTX vignettes
- Updates by local federal and state agencies on their missions and technology needs and programs
- Talks on new and developing technologies
- In-room exhibit tables
- One-on-one Business-to-Business and Business-to-Government meetings
- Break time to network
Hear from Local and Regional Agencies (Planned) - Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command
- Naval Research Laboratory – Stennis Detachment
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Environmental Protection Agency’s Gulf of Mexico Program
- Updates on Mississippi’s Blue Economy, including:
- Ocean Enterprise Facility Construction
- Gulfport Blue Economy Innovation District
- Singing River Innovation Hub
- Newest developments at the University of Southern Mississippi’s classes and programs in ocean engineering, unmanned systems, aquaculture, and others
- State of Mississippi efforts and programs
- Additional presentations from local collaborative groups and emerging technologies
Schedule Oceans In Action
TBD Port Security Summit
TBD Business-to-Business/Business-to-Government Meetings MSET is pleased to announce the return of our Business-to-Business/Business-to-Government (B2B/B2G) session to take place in the afternoon of TBD at the Mississippi Coast Convention Center from TBD. We have a number of federal agencies and large companies serving as “anchors” for this session and you will be able to select which ones you would like to meet with one-on-one. Each anchor has provided a paragraph of what they are looking for in small companies, strategic partners, vendors, supplies, and/or technology developers. Each meeting will be 15 minutes in length and you can meet with any or all anchors. This gives you the opportunity to learn more about the 17 anchors and determine if follow-on meetings could lead to new or expanded business for you. Please see the attached list of anchors and instructions. Send all requests for meetings to Laurie Jugan at [email protected]. She will set up a schedule that will be available as you walk into the Oceans In Action/Port Security Summit. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for attendees to participate in the activities at the Port of Gulfport, including lunch (provided by our sponsor Shaggy’s), and return via shuttle to the B2B/B2G meetings in the afternoon. Contact Laurie If you have any questions about the B2B/B2G session. Exhibitor Information Exhibit tables available for $500. Includes two full registrations to the event. All tables in same room as technical program. To reserve your table, click below to register now. NOTE: There are only 10 exhibit booths left and only 3 tables that can accommodate electricity. Electricity given on a first come, first serve basis. View Exhibit Table Instructions Cost MTS and MSET Members $300, Non-Members $400, Students $25 Travel Information Hotel Information 
Host Hotel: Centennial Plaza, 200 E. Beach Blvd, Gulfport MS 39507 Per diem rate: $96. Call for reservations now: 228-206-7880 (select menu option 2 for the Oasis resort), using the code Port2022. Getting There The Gulfport/Biloxi Airport is the closest airport to the workshop. Alternatives include: - New Orleans Airport (1.5-hour drive – car rental is the best option – there is no shuttle and Uber/taxis are very costly, if available.)
- Mobile Airport (1.5-hour drive – car rental is the best option, Uber is available)
Directions The Mississippi Coast Convention Center is less than 10 miles from the Gulfport/Biloxi airport, and is located at 2350 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, MS 39531. Exiting the airport, take I-49 South to Hwy 90, then left (going east) for just less than 8 miles. The Convention Center is on the left. Taxis or Ubers are available. Information on the hotel will be provided at a later date. |