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The Thaw in the Relationship with Cuba and the Implications for Refugees at Sea and Shipping

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During this 49th interview in the series, Clay discusses the impact the thaw in Cuba-U.S. relations will have on the U.S. maritime industry regarding the “wet foot/dry foot” policy of the last 35 years. This policy dictates the return of those trying to escape Cuba when they are rescued at sea vs. those that make it to the U.S. mainland who are allowed to stay because they are viewed as exiles and refugees suffering from persecution. The issue has come to the forefront with the re-establishment of diplomatic relations with Cuba. This has stimulated a new influx of those trying to make the crossing to the U.S. because they fear they are running out of time before the policy changes to mandate that they be sent back to Cuba if they make it to the U.S, since they will no longer be viewed as exiles suffering from persecution.
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The opinions expressed by Clay Maitland in the ‘Mondays with Maitland’ Video Series are the opinions of Clay Maitland and do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff and management of Maritime TV, or its parent network, TV Worldwide, Inc.

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