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Maritime TV Interviews Proponent of National Response Platforms for Crisis Response to be Paid for by Re-directed Budget Funding from USAID

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Click Here to read " A National Response Platforms Proposal - By CAPT. CHARLES D. McDERMOTT (PDF)-Capt. Buck McDermott, U.S. Navy Reserve and Founder of the U.S. National Response Forces Foundation, Inc. responds to Maritime TV questions regarding his proposal, recently published in an industry periodical, to establish National Response Platforms for global crisis response, which would essentially be pre-positioned floating warehouses consisting of U.S. flag merchant ships, to be manned by U.S. crews. McDermott outlines how the concept would work and how to pay for with budget funding redirected from USAID (unrelated to the PL-480 Food Aid Program) that would yield more efficient operations and effectiveness of immediate and long term disaster recovery.

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