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The Worlds First Maritime TV Channel (EST.1999)      
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70th Anniversary of the Rescue of 14,000 Korean Refugees-Largest Rescue by a Ship in History-USMMA Ship Officers Speak

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We are pleased to feature this special video presentation, the second in a series, on the 70th anniversary of the Christmas rescue of 14,000 Korean refugees fleeing advancing Chinese troops, the largest humanitarian rescue by a single ship in history. USMMA grads and officers aboard the SS Meredith Victory speak about the rescue and the leadership of the ship’s Skipper, Captain Leonard Larue. Captain Larue eventually became a Benedictine Monk, Brother Marinus, and the Catholic Church has started the process of seeking beatification for Brother Marinus in honor of his extraordinary humanitarian acts during the Korean War.

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Clay Maitland, Chairman



Webcast Event Contact Information
Dave Gardy - TV Inc. - [email protected] / (703) 961-9250