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Overview Video for Container Equipment Inspection

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On February 6, 2017, the Institute of International Container Lessors released an Overview Video for Container Equipment Inspection. Since the early 1970’s, the Institute of International Containers Lessors, LTD (the IICL) has been setting technical standards and issuing manuals for the inspection and repair of lessor owned marine containers. Chief among these standards is the inspection standard for dry van containers published in a manual titled Guide for Container Equipment Inspection. This Overview video is an introduction to the IICL-6 Guide which addresses the single most important set of inspection standards: those related to stress and impact damage on dry van containers. Subsequent detailed video modules will be released by the IICL that will address each element in Section 5 of the IICL-6 Guide, which discusses Criteria for Repair Worthy Damage.

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Dave Gardy - TV Inc. - [email protected] / (703) 961-9250