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The Worlds First Maritime TV Channel (EST.1999)      
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Part 02: Components of a Life Plan

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In this 2nd program/blog in the series, Dr. Cartner discusses the components of a life plan and points out that a life plan for the maritime professional has two courses. The first course is one which deals with the expected vagaries of life so when problems occur, the plan – and often funding – is in place to navigate through it. The second course comprises unexpected events of low probability in time or magnitude which occur during the first course. <br /><br />Mr. Cartner's discussions with Mr. Gardy are not intended to provide any legal advice but are informational only. A person interested in estate planning should consult competent legal counsel before developing a comprehensive estate plan for him or herself and families.

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Clay Maitland, Chairman



Webcast Event Contact Information
Dave Gardy - TV Inc. - [email protected] / (703) 961-9250